Milk (Formula) Watch on

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Hi mommies, (and dads...)

Related to Nutrilon promotions, I have set up a Multiply Group and Flickr Group to pool up photos, videos, sound recording, and news related to (unethical) baby milk promotion and misleading media images on breastfeeding. In order to upload and view the items, you have to become a member, in multiply or in Flickr by using your Yahoo username.

I just think that it's good to establish a library containing various marketing strategies of baby milk promotion. Because, if we know well their strategy, we can cope with or refute their strategies better.

Please join the group in here

and please upload scanned image of the advertisement or photos of formula milk promotional in hospitals.

Once you become a member you can also invite other people who are interested in the same cause to join the group.

This flickr group is not affiliated specifically to Singapore, but also internationally. I have invited Baby Milk Action to participate, and hope that they will be participating.

meutia chaerani